/ Projects / CFD simulations

CFD simulations


CFD simulations of a jet fan smoke ventilation system in a two-story underground car park

Sky Tower

CFD simulations of smoke control systems in the underground car park and the shopping mall in a mixed-use development

Obiekt przemysłowy

CFD simulation of temperature distribution for the purposes of analysis of fire resistance of structural elements in a covered coal storage dome and transportation gallery at a cola-fired power plant

Hala widowiskowo-sportowa Spodek

Computer CFD simulations of the natural smoke and heat exhaust ventilation system (SHEVS) for sports and entertainment hall. Hot smoke tests before and after the modernization of the smoke ventilation system.


CFD analysis of smoke ventialtion system and thermal loading in a high-rise office building, taking into account high-pressure water mist system

Magnolia Shopping Centre

Concept design and CFD simulations of smoke ventilation system in the extended part of the shopping mall

Wieże Jesionowa

Concept design and CFD simulation of a smoke ventilation system in underground car park under high rise residential building.

Nowa Łódź Fabryczna

Detailed CFD analysis including verification of the smoke removal system of the underground train station and a railway tunnel. Performing evacuation time analysis. Structura fire anaysis of the tunnel structure and steel structure of the skylights in the station.

Promenady Wrocławskie

Concept design and CFD simulation of a smoke ventilation system of underground car parks for fased designed large residential development Promenady Wrocławskie

Galeria Libero

Concpet design of smoke ventilation systems, CFD simulations and hot smoke tests in a large, multi-storey shopping centre


Concept design and CFD simulations of natural and mechanical smoke control system in the underground museum building

CH Ostrovia

Consultancy and design proposal for modyfications and improvements of a natural smoke control system and CFD simulations in the existing single storey shopping mall at the material the alteration stage

CH Viktor

Consultancy and design proposal for modyfications and improvements by provision of a natural smoke control system and CFD simulations in the existing single storey shopping mall

Ferio Legnica

CFD simulations of smoke conditions in a fire situation, technical expertise of the state of fire protection

Galeria Gorlicka

Concept design and CFD simulations of natural smoke control system in the single storey shopping mall

Volvo WA

Consultancy and design proposal at extention and modification of an existing office boulding in atrium area, smoke control system CFD and evacuation simulations including a performance examination of existing fire glazing system in fire conditions (performance based design)

Budynki D1 i D2

CFD analyzes, technical expertise of fire protection status

Piękna 21

CFD simulations of smoke ventilation systems and hot smoke tests in an underground car park

Kaufland Długosza

Concept design and CFD simulations of a mechanical smoke ventilation system in the retail building

Leroy Merlin Krakowska

Concept design and CFD simulations of natural smoke control ventilation system in the existing single storey retail boulding

Legnicka Street

Concept design and CFD simulation of a smoke ventilation system of the underground car parks for a fased large office and residenctial development.

Starter III

Concept design and CFD simulations of a jet fan smoke ventilation system in the enclosed car park

Kępa Mieszczańska

Concept design and CFD simulations of a jet fan smoke ventilation system in underground car park, fire protection strategy and formal design approval for a residential scheme

C.H. Tarnovia

Consultancy and design proposal for modyfications and improvements of natural smoke control system and CFD simulations in the part of the existing shopping mall

Kamienna 145

Concept design and CFD simulation of a smoke ventilation system of the underground car parks for a fased constructed large residenctial development.

Angel Wings (etapy C i D)

Concept design and CFD simulations of a jet fan smoke ventilation system in underground car park, fire protection strategy and formal design approval for a residential scheme


Concept design and verification of a ducted smoke ventilation system for an underground three storey car park in an office building

C.H. Promenada

CFD simulations of thermal conditions during a fire in multi-storey shopping centre

Nowe Żerniki (K4)

Concept design and CFD simulations of a jet fan smoke ventilation system in underground car park, fire protection strategy and formal design approval for a residential scheme

Krakowskie Tarasy

Concept design and CFD simulation of a smoke ventilation system of the underground car parks for a fased constructed large residenctial development.


Concept design and CFD simulation of a smoke ventilation system of the underground car parks for a fased constructed large residenctial development.

Krakowska 29

Concept design and CFD simulation of a jet fan smoke ventilation system of an underground car park in an office biulding, hot smoke tests at the final construction stage.


Concept design and CFD simulation of a ducted smoke ventilation system of an underground car park in an office biulding.

Osiedle Przystań

Concept design and CFD simulation of a smoke ventilation system of an underground car park in a residential biulding provided with an external smoke exhaust system verified by hot smoke test (HST).

Hala Targowa Żory

Cencept design and CFD simulation of a natural smoke control system of a new single storey enclosed market hall

Nova Papiernia

Concept design and CFD simulations of a jet fan smoke ventilation system in the enclosed car park, fire protection strategy, formal approval


Concept design and CFD simulations of smoke ventilation system in an underground car park

Distribution centre

CFD simulations and evacuation analysis of a 21000 m2 distribution facility. Concept design of smoke ventilation system in accordance with NFPA 204

Promenady Wrocławskie

Concept design and CFD simulation of a smoke ventilation system of underground car parks for a phased designed large residential development Promenady Wrocławskie

Bydgoszcz Railway Station

CFD analysis of smoke ventilation system in a two-storey concourse atrium of a railway station. Hot smoke tests of the system after completion of construction works.

Aleja Piastów

Concept design and CFD simulation of a smoke ventilation system of underground car parks for a phased designed residential development.

Promenady Zita

Development and verification of smoke ventilation strategy for an underground car park in an office building


Concept design and CFD simulations of a jet fan smoke ventilation system in an enclosed car park

Nordic Heaven Apartments

Concept design and CFD verification of a smoke ventilation system for an underground car park of a mixed use building.


Concept design and CFD simulations of a jet fan smoke ventilation system in an enclosed car park

Garaż Strzegomska

Concept design and CFD verification of a smoke ventilation system in a multistorey car park building with an undeground levels


Concept design for two buildings (residential and office) of a jet fan smoke ventilation system verified by CFD simulations

Narodowe Forum Muzyki

Analysis of the effectiveness of the mechanical smoke exhaust system in the main entrance hall atrium and concert halls for the purpose of assessing the evacuation conditions


CFD simulations of an underground garage smoke removal system

Multistorey car park

CFD simulations of thermal conditions during a fire in an open-sided multi-storey car park

Hotel Arłamów

CFD analysis of a smoke exhaust ventilation system in an enclosed courtyard


Concept design for several buildings in the area of “Innova” district, CFD simulations of a ducted and jet fan smoke ventilation system in underground car parks, hot smoke tests for two phases (buildings B3 and B5).

Centrum Handlowe Auchan

Concept design based on BS 7346 and detailed CFD simulations of smoke ventilation system for an extension to an exisiting shopping centre

Centrum Kultury Zamek

Verification of the smoke ventilation system in the area of the entrance hall and the covered inner courtyard within the imperial castle in Poznań.

Warsaw Spire

Fire safety engineering advice for the Warsaw Spire project including CFD modelling and evacuation time analysis

Nowy Targ

Concept design of a smoke exhaust ventilation system in a three-level underground car park

Aleja Wiśniowa

Concept design and CFD simulations of a jet fan smoke ventilation system in underground two levels car park

Przejście podziemne

CFD simulation and analysis of evacuation conditions in a shopping area / underground pedestrian passage