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Smoke control design workshop at CNBOP

As part of the renewed cooperation agreement signed with the State Fire Protection Research Centre ( CNBOP) in Józefów, Piotr Smardz and Janusz Paliszek delivered two course modules in the smoke control design workshop organized by the Centre.

INBEPO Sp. z o.o. accepted as member of Technical Committee 180 of PKN

Our company was nominated as ordinary member of Technical Committee 180 of PKN which is responsible for Fire Safety issues.

"Secure with Steel" meeting in Brussels

INBEPO Sp. z o.o. was accepted as a new member of Secure with Steel forum. The aim of the network is to develop and promote Structural Fire Safety Engineering.

Full-scale fire tests in Bytom (PL)

Our company has taken part as a commercial partner in the recent fire research effort organized by Czestochowa Technical University (Politechnika Częstochowska), aimed at understanding compartment fire growth in modern residential buildings. The main element of the work were two full-scale fire test a in a soon-to-be-demolished building in Bytom.

Smoke control design workshop at CNBOP

As part of a cooperation agreement signed with the State Fire Protection Research Centre (CNBOP) in Józefów, Piotr Smardz and Janusz Paliszek delivered two course modules in the smoke control design workshop organized by the Centre.